Tuesday, April 1, 2014


As most of you know, for the last two months I've been working with The City Circle Acting Company of Coralville in the show "Jesus Christ Superstar." I am an apostle in the show, and for character purposes, I assigned myself to be the apostle Matthew. I find so much to identify with in Matthew, the Apostle Matthew was a tax collector in his time before his call to follow Jesus. He would have been slightly older than the other Apostles and would have been well educated (speaking both Greek and Aramaic). Matthew would invite Jesus to his home for a meal which lead the priests and pharisees to criticize Jesus for eating with sinners and tax collectors.

More than the character, though, I find the most striking thing about being a part of this production is the crucifixion scene. We had been working on music and staging, blocking and dancing for several weeks, but we've only recently begun working with the actual props on the stage where we'll be performing. As a Christian, I am so used to the idea of Jesus being crucified, it's something that we talk and think about a lot. So much in fact, that it just becomes a word, a phrase, oh yeah, then Jesus "suffered, died and was buried." Just like that, rolls off of the tongue after so many years in church. But to be standing a few feet away while Jesus hangs from the cross, suffers great agony, while Mary and all of the apostles gather helplessly to watch him die, is powerful.

And awful.

I have been blessed to be a part of this show, not just for the new friends I've made, or the opportunity to sing some great music, but also to be reminded during this time of Lent, exactly what it was that Jesus endured. It's one thing to say, Jesus died for your sins, it's another thing to watch it happen. To see all those that witnessed the miracles Jesus performed, those who gave up the cushy tax collecting jobs and lives to follow Jesus, watch him suffer at the hands of Rome is truly moving.

I hope those that are coming to the show find it as moving as I do, I hope that you are reminded of God's love through Jesus Christ and his death on the cross.
